
ProvidIng High Quality Health Information And Resources as an essential Function Towards Our Collective Liberation.


actualizing a cultural shift towards a greater holistic health paradigm.

Armand McCoy

Founder. path maker. Herbalist.


My name is Armand.

Being Black, I find it important when stating where I am from, to name that I was born on stolen Dakota land, here on Turtle Island, in the colonial settlement of “Saint Paul, Minnesota”. 

I love where I’m from, for the spirit of the land, and for my people. I also realize that this is just a moment in time, where certain agendas have forced people and nations into the positions and patterns we have today. So I live my life for a changing time, instead of embracing and uplifting the cycles of pain that cannot be sustained. I’m making paths, connecting our present to a better future.

I’m especially grateful for the people who’ve enriched my perspective, who’ve helped me to hone my abilities, and who have supported me as I’ve learned and grown over time.

Since a young age I’ve grown increasingly aware of the systems of oppression which hinder our relationship with the planet and with each other; and I’ve labored to shape my life in dedication to a path of liberation. 

It has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember, to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to support my people and myself in eliminating our dependence on our oppressors. Through Path Maker Herbs, I connect people to traditional ways of healing so that we may grow beyond the perceived need for the extractive systems our oppressors utilize.

Seeing as one’s quality of life is directly influenced by one’s health, for the past 16 years I’ve studied healing practices and cultural health systems from around the world. 

Combining information on the body, food, herbs, movement, breathing exercises, and much more… I’ve been able to cultivate a well rounded understanding of how to address different health goals and conditions. The role of a Path Maker is to travel ahead, and to return to describe the ways forward to their people. I seek to fulfill my role in part, with Path Maker Herbs.

I see a future where people are free, in good health, and in right relationship with the planet and each other. My offerings are drawn from this vision.

Let me show you all that I have found.


The Body Heals Itself


Health Is Key To True Liberation

It's common for people who practice and teach holistic healing to position themselves as "healers".  Not me. Like the ancestors I am a Path Maker. Rather than taking credit for the healing, I believe that, with the right support, guidance, and discipline, you are capable of healing yourself. My role is to provide individualized protocols, resources, and products that I’ve come to know, through nearly a decade of study; and to empower you to make an informed decision. I have searched and studied and experimented for years to clear you a proper path. I am prepared to walk with you towards your healing, and towards your liberation. Are you ready?

My work is…

  • Naturopathic

  • Anti-colonial

  • Liberation Centered

  • Trauma-informed

  • Tailored to each clients culture & background