15 minute compatibility meeting

Schedule a 15 minute phone call or video chat now, if you would like to speak about any of our services.

Medicine of the earth: Conversation with The Herbalist

We Have Plenty to Discuss

Do You Have General Questions About Certain Foods Or Herbs? Do You Want To Have More Of A General Conversation To Sharpen Your Current Health Understandings? Are You Seeking Herbal Recommendations For Certain Conditions? Are You Already On Your Healing Journey, But Want To Dive Even Deeper?

This Is Your Chance To Make It Happen!

Sliding Scale $111.11 - $222.22 hourly

The Journey: Holistic Healing Consultation

The Journey: Holistic Healing Consultation, is the most comprehensive service we offer.
The Journey involves 5 steps in which we will work together to find the best approach to reach your wellness goals.
Although this consultation package is valued at over $1000
I offer a sliding scale rates of $333.33-$444.44!
Qualifying individuals can apply for Pay What You Can by filling out the form here.

See more information about each step of this consultation package below.

  • Your journey begins at The Bridge (client intake form) which gives you a chance to deeply imagine your health goals and think about what excites you about walking this path. The Bridge is an opportunity to see where you stand now, so that we can shift towards a destination that is aligned with your goals, needs and overall vision. I study your responses, your vision, your perspective, and use this information to prepare for you, a unique path forward.

  • You’ve landed, having crossed the bridge. We speak, and our communications further illuminate the path ahead. You’ve shown me a glimpse into your life on The Bridge, now together on “The Land” we look deeper into nature; seeing what surrounds us, and what we’re made of. What plant medicines can we use here? How can we create rhythm in this environment? What is here that we must avoid? What have we brought with us that would hold us back? Just how far does this path lead? In this 1 hr conversation, I will address any immediate questions/concerns and work with you to visualize the steps of your goals in greater details. I will describe for you the paths and crossroads ahead, and through conversation will determine what components will be vital in designing for you, The Map.

  • These lands are vast and abundant, but not uncharted. With a bird’s eye view you can see the paths our ancestors have walked before us, and what paths yet remain. The Map is the set of protocols that describes your chosen path; connecting you to your goals. This document is the accumulation of generations of wisdom and This map will guide your exploration. If we pause, breathe, and consult “The Map” before moving too quickly, one will find that what we truly need is always available to us. We will see that where we are on The Map, is exactly where we need to be, in order to continue forward. The Map holds protocols unique to your journey, and will serve as a constant guide, connecting you to your optimal state of health.

  • Here you are! Taking first steps with new insights, new formulas and strategies. Having received The Map and having spoken with me, you are now in position to begin traveling with renewed intention. Any questions you may have can be discussed in this time. But now you are ready. Know that you are ready. Keep Peace In Your Steps. Research additionally when needed to improve your scientific literacy. Change and observe, give thanks, and stay the course, as you walk your most righteous path.

  • Let us check in. Now that you’ve been on this path, what Story can you tell. Who have you been in these chapters; how have things changed? Is there anything else you need in order to stay the course? I want us to remain in contact, so please take this as an opportunity to continue laying the foundation for your best possible outcome.

Scheduling Details

Due To A High Volume Of Consultation Clients You May Be Notified Of A Waitlist Upon Attempting To Book A Consultation.

All Consultations Must Be Scheduled At Least One Week Beyond The Current Date.

Full Payment Must Be Sent Prior To Scheduling. 

Upon Payment, A Client Intake Form, (The Bridge) Will Be Sent To You, And Upon It’s Completion, I Will Begin Designing Your Personalized Protocols, (The Map).

Depending On Your Goals, (The Map) May Take 1-2 Weeks To Design. For Quality Assurance I Do Not Rush This Process. However After Our 1 Hour Consultation, (The Land), You Will Have Received Information That Can Allow You To Begin Implementing Certain Protocols, And We Can Always Check In As Needed.

A 1 Hour Check-In Is Included With Your Holistic Healing Consultation. A Check-In Date Will Be Set For Within One Month After Receiving The Map. During That 1 Hour Check-in, You Will Be Able To Reflect Freely Upon Your Experience, And We Can Talk Again About How Best To Move Further Along Your Path.

In The Time Between Receiving Your Protocols And Us Checking Back In, You Will Have Access To Ask Questions And Give Updates About Your Experience With Those Protocols.

Please Contact Me If You have Any Questions. See The Contact Page!